Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Untold Secret of Freemasonry

Those who become Freemasons only for the sake of finding out the Secret of the Order run a very great risk of growing old Under the Trowel without ever realizing their purpose.

Yet there is a Secret, but it is so inviolable that it has never been confided or whispered to anyone.

Those who stop at the outward crust of things imagine that the Secret consists in words, or in signs, or that the main point of it is to be found only in reaching the Highest Degree.

This is a mistaken view.
The Man who guesses at the Secret of Freemasonry, – And to know it, you Must guess it -reaches that point only through long attendance in the Lodges, through deep thinking, comparison, and deduction.

He would not trust that Secret to his best friend in Freemasonry, because he is aware that if his friend has not found it out, he could not make any use of it after it had been whispered in his ear.

No, he keeps his peace, and the Secret remains a secret.

Bro. Giovani Giacomo Casanova, Memoirs, Vol 2a,
Paris, p. 33


  1. I have updated the blog with all the information I have on the Masons at Canons Ashby. The National Trust who own the house, might be a good place to start if you want more information. I know they do a talk on the subject and the room, so there is probably a lot more info available. Hope this helps.

  2. Look into the family connection between the Dryden's of Canons Ashby and the late Princess Diana, As well as the Sinclair's of Rosslyn / Dryden family connection. just some interesting well hidden masonic connections, have fun.
